Wake surfing has become a popular sport in recent years. Not only does it allow surfing in areas where waves don’t naturally appear, but it’s also quite a bit safer than activities like water skiing. If you're interested in buying a wake boat, feel free to drop by either of our dealerships in Centerville and Hurricane, Utah. Until then, feel free to read our guide on necessary wake boat accessories! We include everything you’ll need for surfing, safety, and fun. 

Safety Gear

There are a few things that are needed on every boat, one of the most important being a personal flotation device. One should be provided and worn by all passengers at all times, whether you're on the boat, in the water, or surfing. There are different types of flotation devices and we advise you to review the different models before purchasing. A child or inexperienced swimmer will likely need a more advanced flotation device than an adult or experienced surfer. 

Your boat will also need to have a first aid and safety kit. First aid kits can be bought with the necessary components included, or you can purchase items yourself to be placed in a kit. Kits often include eye wash, bandages, and antiseptic ointments, but can contain much more if necessary. Safety kits are much easier to buy as one unit, as individual parts can be hard to find. These kits often include a flare, flashlight, and rope but can vary by seller

A safety flag is a must for wake boats. These flags are held up when a person is in the water and being retrieved by their vessel—most commonly when a surfer has fallen from their board. This alerts other boats to steer clear of the area until the flag is lowered in order to avoid accidents. 

Surfing Gear

The most obvious accessory you’ll need to purchase with your wake boat is a wakeboard. There are 3 common types, surf, skim, or hybrid, which generally pertain to the types of waves you plan to ride. There are several guides out there that describe the pros and cons of the different boards. We advise you read some information on these accessories, as a board can be a bit of an investment. 

Your wake boat will have several attachments for a tow rope, but the ropes themselves are sold separately. These ropes are generally used when your surfer wants to catch some air as they ride the waves. Attaching your rope at the highest point allows your rider extra leverage to rise up into the air. 

Depending on the types of waves you want to ride, you might be interested in a fat sac or ballast weight bag. Your wake boat will create waves regardless of whether you buy these products, but these items often ensure a better surfing experience. While both of these items are used to weigh your vessel down in strategic areas, they use two very different methods. A ballast bag is filled with metal and cannot be emptied or filled. Fat sacs use a pump to empty or fill themselves with water. Both products have various pros and cons based on owner preferences. 

We hope this guide has been helpful in explaining the various accessories needed for a wake boat. If you are still in the market for a boat, we hope you’ll stop by one of our dealerships in Utah! We proudly serve the cities of St. George and Salt Lake City, Utah, and are famous for providing the highest quality customer service around.