To get a long and fruitful life out of your outboard motor, it’s critical to prevent corrosion, especially if you spend any time in saltwater. We advise you to perform regular visual inspections and flush your outboard every time after pulling it out of saltwater. This can make a big difference in your engine performing well for years to come. We have put together this quick guide to preventing corrosion in your outboard, so read on to learn more!

Types of Corrosion

First, here’s some advice on identifying corrosion. Saltwater corrosion is somewhat inevitable for any ocean-going craft, due to the basic nature of an outboard. However, you want to keep an eye on it and discourage it. The first signs of corrosion often show up on the paint, in the form of bubbles or blisters. When you see this, take corrective steps to prevent further damage. A sacrificial anode is a must for saltwater outboards. This is a small piece of highly reactive metal, usually zinc. When this is implanted into the outboard, it will corrode quickly, which slows down corrosion elsewhere. Replace your anode, often simply called a zinc, when about half of it has been lost to corrosion.

Dry corrosion is another problem to look out for. It takes place in areas that aren’t in direct contact with the water. For example, keep an eye on the exhaust system, in which outside components are cooled by raw water to prevent overheating. When you burn ethanol-enhanced fuel in your motor, it generates sulfate salts that are highly corrosive in hot temperatures.

Flushing your engine is the best remedy against corrosion. You should flush your engine with fresh, clean water for about 15 minutes after each voyage. This keeps the passages that carry cooling water clean and clear, helping your cooling system to run at maximum efficiency. This reduces internal engine heat and thus reduces its susceptibility to dry corrosion.

Built-In Flushing 

The simplest way to flush your outboard is by using the built-in flush attachment. Just attach a garden hose to the inlet side of the attachment, turn the faucet on high, and the water pressure will circulate water and flush your system. Always let the water run for at least 15 minutes so the entire cooling system gets fresh circulation several times. If you do this while your boat is out of the water, the clean water will trickle down, cleaning the water pump and the cooling water passages in the lower unit.

We can’t encourage you enough to do these routine measures for outboard maintenance. It’s the best way to keep your outboard in good condition for as long as possible. If you need any parts or equipment, call us or visit Roger's Performance Marine in Centerville and Hurricane, UT. We welcome all our customers in Salt Lake City and St. George.