Tips For Boating In Rough Conditions
Despite care and precautions, there’s no saying when the tides can turn against you. When you’re out on a boat and Mother Nature throws a curveball at you, you shouldn’t be caught completely unprepared. It’s always good to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, especially when you’re on the water.
At Roger’s Performance Marine, we want all boaters and fishers to be safe on their watercrafts, which is why we’ve compiled this guide to boating in bad weather. It can be scary to experience, but as long as you keep your cool and take the right actions, you should be fine. If you’re looking for a sturdy and reliable boat, visit us at our locations in Centerville and Hurricane, UT. We’re here for all the marine needs of our patrons from Salt Lake City and St. George!
Check the Forecast
This is the most obvious step to take to avoid landing in bad weather during a boating trip. Regularly check the forecast for the day you’re planning to take your boat out. Definitely check the forecast on the night before the trip as well as the next morning. Weather can change drastically in a short span of time so try to stay on top of this.
You don’t need to rely solely on an app to get weather updates. You can be proactive about it and scan your surroundings to get an idea. Some indicators of inclement weather on the horizon include wind conditions and cloud formations. You can also invest in a transmitter radio that’ll give you regular weather updates.
Slow Down
When you’re on your boat caught in the middle of bad weather, it can be tempting to try and rush back to the safety of the dock. Before deciding on that course of action, keep calm and assess your options. Remember that reducing your speed during bad weather bouts can give you more reaction time. When you reduce the speed, you also lessen the strain on the hull.
Position your boat at a 45-degree angle to lower the impact of the swells. It may not keep you on the straightest path, but it will keep you safe. When boating with passengers, ask them to keep watch for any other vessels in the area or debris floating in the water.
Use Your Lights
Inclement weather usually turns things very dark, very soon. When you’re in rough waters, you’re faced with heavy downpours, intense fog and strong gusts of wind, all of which decrease visibility for you and others on the water. You’ll need your boat’s navigational lights to increase visibility. Navigation lights are mostly used at night, but they are also suitable for use in foggy conditions. This allows other boaters to see your vessel’s bow and stern so they can avoid getting too close.
Use Safety Gear
You should always keep protective gear on, but more so during inclement weather conditions. Everyone on board should be wearing a life jacket or personal flotation device (PFD) that has been approved by the United States Coast Guard. Remember that it takes only one wave to hit your boat at the wrong angle to send someone tumbling overboard.
Any passengers should sit in the lowest part of the boat (which is usually at the center) to avoid the risk of being tossed overboard. We recommend that you invest in some appropriate foul-weather gear. When you navigate your boat through rough waters, you’ll quickly get soaking wet without the right gear, which can ultimately lead to hypothermia. Ponchos and hooded raincoats are wise investments.
Ride it Out
We know most people want to get out of bad weather ASAP, but that’s not always the best solution. Sometimes, waiting it out is the safest choice. If your boat is thrashing around too much and you’re becoming exhausted trying to bring it under control, the only thing you need to do is aim the bow toward the swells and wind the best you can. This will help prevent the swells from slamming directly into the hull at full force. The bow will work to cut through the waves and reduce the impact you experience.
We hope these tips help you stay safer in the water. For more information or to get yourself a safe and capable boat, visit Roger’s Performance Marine at our locations in Centerville and Hurricane, UT. We have a wide selection of boats for sale and knowledgeable staff who’ll help you make the right choice. We welcome all our friends from Salt Lake City and St. George.